Issue - meetings

Otterpool Park - Deanne

Meeting: 20/07/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 31)

31 Otterpool Park

A presentation will be given.

Supporting documents:


A presentation by Andy Jarrett, Head of Strategic Development Projects was given and this is attached to the minutes for information.


The presentation updates members on the Landowner progress since March 2017 and officers are now moving forward in respect of detailed technical studies some of which are already part-way through: transport; ecology; landscape and water supply, with no real issues coming out of these.


The Framework masterplan must be viable and deliverable as it will form part of the planning application. A study of employment is underway which will attract new economic development into the site, this study will look at what will work, which can be reliable and deliverable.


Discussions are in progress with network rail to develop Westenhanger Station and on-going discussions are now taking place with the 4 potential operators for the line.


Members were informed that the collaboration agreement has been extended to 31 March 2018. Preparation of a 2nd Collaboration Agreement and working towards a future Development Agreement has begun.


Mr Jarrett informed members that following initial consultations it was clear that the younger generation had not responded and it is this area that officers will work hard to connect with as progress is made. More public events, working with schools and colleges to show what Otterpool can offer in terms of business opportunities, open space and housing.


It was agreed that this is a long term plan which will evolve over time with more detail being added along as it progresses.


Members paid particular attention to the following:


·         Funding – members were informed that significant government funding has been provided for consultant fees and local planning authority.

·         Schools – it is anticipated that 2 primary schools will be built at the start of works and this is based on initial housing figures of upto 12,000. The masterplan may eventually include 7 primary schools and 2 secondary.

·         Consultations – more work is needed to reach the younger generation and it is hoped that communication can be made not only through public consultations but by using twitter, facebook and other social media outlets as well as direct contact through schools and the local college..


·         Housing – members requested that more detail be provided at the earliest opportunity in respect of numbers and affordable housing.



At the end of the presentation as members did not have any questions relating to the financial position in respect of Otterpool there was no need to take the meeting into a private session.