Issue - meetings

General Fund Capital Budget Monitoring - 1st Quarter 2017/18 and 2016/17 Outturn

Meeting: 20/07/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 29)

29 General Fund Capital Budget Monitoring - 1st Quarter 2017/18 and 2016/17 Outturn

Report C/17/23 This monitoring report provides a projection of the latest financial position for the General Fund capital programme, based on expenditure to 31 May 2017. The report identifies variances on planned capital expenditure for the General Fund in 2017/18. The report also summarises the 2016/17 final outturn position (subject to audit) for the General Fund capital programme compared to both the latest approved budget and the quarter 4 budget monitoring position reported to Cabinet in April 2017. Finally the report also summarises the outturn position for the approved prudential indicators for capital expenditure in 2016/17.

Supporting documents:


Report C/17/23 This monitoring report provides a projection of the latest

financial position for the General Fund capital programme, based on

expenditure to 31 May 2017. The report identifies variances on planned

capital expenditure for the General Fund in 2017/18. The report also

summarises the 2016/17 final outturn position (subject to audit) for the

General Fund capital programme compared to both the latest approved

budget and the quarter 4 budget monitoring position reported to Cabinet in

April 2017. Finally the report also summarises the outturn position for the

approved prudential indicators for capital expenditure in 2016/17.


This report was considered at Cabinet on 19 July 2017.


Members were informed that there are no unforeseen capital issues arising.


Proposed by Councillor Michael Lyons

Seconded by Councillor Ian Meyers and



1.         To receive and note Report C/17/23.


(Voting: For 6; Against 0; Abstentions 0)