Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 15th August, 2017 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre Folkestone

Contact: Committee Services 

No. Item


Declarations of interest

Members of the Council should declare any interests which fall under the following categories*:


a)        disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI)

b)         other significant interests (OSI)

c)         voluntary announcements of other interests


There were no declarations of interest. 


Application for a new premise licence at Par Three, Unit 2, Princes Gate, Bayle Street, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1SF

Report DCL/17/10 sets out the facts for the Licensing Committee to consider in determining a premise licence. The licensing committee is the Licensing Authority acting in a role formally taken by the Magistrates Court. It is, therefore, not appropriate for officers to make additional comments other than in the capacity as a Responsible Authority under the legislation of the Licensing Act 2003. Therefore there are no comments from Legal, Finance or other officers included in this report


Supporting documents:


Report DCL/17/10 sets out the facts for the Licensing Sub Committee to consider in determining a premise licence.  The licensing sub committee is the Licensing Authority acting in a role formally taken by the Magistrates Court.  It is, therefore, not appropriate for officers to make additional comments other than in the capacity as a Responsible Authority under the legislation of the Licensing Act 2003.  Therefore there are no comments from Legal, Finance or other officers included in this report. 


The Environmental Health and Licensing Manager presented the report to the sub-committee highlighting that there had been three representations received regarding the application.


The sub-committee heard evidence from the applicant, Mr Pook, with regard to his plans for this premises as a delicatessen with alcohol provision.  He was keen to point out that:


·         Premium products to be sold off the premises

·         It will attract tourists and residents to the area with the approval of the Creative Foundation, consisting of mainly passing trade

·         CCTV installed

·         Proposed opening hours will be 9 am to 8pm with a provision to amend if desired.  

·         Applicant’s knowledge of the Challenge 25 scheme


Members heard from a local resident, Mr James, who spoke against the application.  He was concerned about problems in the area with noise and parking issues and believes there are adequate licensed premises in the area.


Councillor Mrs Mary Lawes spoke and was concerned about  crime, disorder and public nuisance in the area, however, realises there needs to be a balance between customers and residents. 


The applicant, Mr Pook, Mr James and Councillor Mrs Lawes were asked for any further comments before the sub-committee retired to consider the application. 


Proposed by Councillor Philip Martin

Seconded by Councillor Roger Wilkins and





1.  To receive and note Report DCL/17/10

2.  To grant the licence following consideration of the four Licensing Objectives:


·         The prevention of crime and disorder

·         Ensuring public safety

·         The prevention of public nuisance

·         The protection of children from harm


Subject to the following conditions:

·         Recorded music to be played in the background only.

·         Conditions that the applicant had agreed with Kent Police (Chris Stephens) prior to the meeting.


(Voting: For 3; Against 0; Abstentions 0)