Agenda and minutes

Junction 11 Working Group - Thursday, 21st September, 2017 3.00 pm

Venue: Boulogne Room - Civic Centre Folkestone. View directions

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members of the committee should declare any interests which fall under

the following categories*:


a) disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI);

b) other significant interests (OSI);

c) voluntary announcements of other interests.







*Explanations as to different levels of interest

(a) A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI) must declare the nature as well as the existence of any such interest and the agenda item(s) to which it relates must be stated. A member who declares a DPI in relation to any item must leave the meeting for that item (unless a relevant dispensation has been granted).

(b) A member with an other significant interest (OSI) under the local code of conduct relating to items on this agenda must declare the nature as well as the existence of any such interest and the agenda item(s) to which it relates must be stated. A member who declares an OSI in relation to any item will need to remove him/herself to the public gallery before the debate and not vote on that item (unless a relevant dispensation has been granted). However, prior to leaving, the member may address the meeting in the same way that a member of the public may do so.

(c) Members may make voluntary announcements of other interests which are not required to be disclosed under (a) and (b).

These are announcements made for transparency reasons alone, such as:

• membership of outside bodies that have made representations on agenda items, or

• where a member knows a person involved, but does not have a close association with that person, or

• where an item would affect the well-being of a member, relative, close associate, employer, etc. but not his/her financial


Voluntary announcements do not prevent the member from participating or voting on the relevant item



Councillor Mrs Jenny Hollingsbee declared a voluntary announcement in that she has properties in the area of Otterpool Park.  She remained in the meeting during discussions. 



Otterpool Park Charter

A presentation will be given by Chris Lewis, Planning Advisor.


Chris Lewis, Planning Advisor, updated members on the preparation of a Charter for Otterpool Park which builds on the development principles shown as a sustainability wheel in the original Expression of Interest to government for garden town status.


The relationship of the draft Charter to other work being carried out was explained. The document when finalised will help inform future planning policy and masterplanning.


The Charter expands on the segments of the wheel and sets out in more detail the corporate ambitions for Otterpool Park.


The intention is to undertake targeted stakeholder consultation prior to presenting to Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet in October.


Members reviewed each page of the draft Charter, including the Foreword, noting their support for the following:


·         Landscaping – retaining and enhancing green and blue assets with a focus on quality open space and net bio-diversity gain;

·         Natural landscape – plans for a signature country park adjacent to the castle, advanced woodland planting, providing space for play areas, playing fields and informal outdoor performances. Ensuring separation of the new settlement from Lympne. Enhancing and embracing the natural landscape;

·         Making best use of technology – embracing cutting  edge technology in energy and conservation, reducing household waste and responding to the Government ban in 2040 on new petrol cars and vans;

·         Prioritising walking, cycling and sustainable transport –with the objective of a maximum 10 minute walk to local services;  Promoting healthy and sustainable environments – high level of public health services including a state of the art medical centre that provides a range of services to reduce the need for visits to local hospitals. Design of houses to respond to changing lifetime needs;

·         New homes – adaptable dwellings and the introduction of accessibility standards that ensure housing is accessible to the needs of all;

·         Local heritage – maximising the heritage in the local area and its visibility. Importance of Westenhanger Castle as a heritage asset. Role heritage can play in promoting culture, art, recreation and tourism;

·         High quality townscape – mix of housing types meeting housing need and demand, with lower density development radiating out from the town centre. Quality materials, varied roofscapes with balconies and roof terraces. Promoting local distinctive design;

·         Economies of scale – capturing land value and removing barriers to development to deliver critical community and social infrastructure. Providing key infrastructure including schools early. Other local communities to have access to new services;

·         Self-build and customer-build – giving residents the opportunity to design and build properties which will provide diversity and choice that are not always achievable in developments. Include affordable self and custom build homes. Consider whether to introduce a local connection and / or financial test;

·         Providing spaces for local food growing – allowing space for allotments and bio-diverse landscaping for informal food growing;

·         Legal entity – establishing a suitable legal entity for long-term management making sure the right model is in place while encouraging local community participation;

·         Economic sustainability – maximising opportunities for new employment space, and establishing a vibrant  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Longterm Stewardship

A presentation will be given by Julia Wallace, Masterplanning, Urban Design and Viability Manager.


Julia Wallace, Masterplanning, Urban Design and Viability Manager, presented members with progress and research to date in respect of the principles of long term stewardship.


Members were informed that the study visits to Poundbury and Caterham Barracks provided an insight in to how different approaches to management and maintenance of sites can be undertaken.


It was clear that no one model suits all as each have different needs and assets. Particular attention should be given to producing a good structure, clear specifications and considering cost implications at an early stage in the process.



A number of case studies were presented to members as follows:


·         Milton Keynes Parks Trust – this is different in size and financial costs to Otterpool Park, is a charity and company limited by guarantee.

·         Caterham Barracks – operates on a much smaller scale but covers a much wider Caterham community.  LTS model is a charitable trust which includes representative from local groups.

·         Cambourne Parish Council – manages the green space, sports facilities, verges, community hub and other spaces, has an annual budget based on the usual parish precepts.

·         North West Bicester – uses a Local Management Association led by local people with resident representation adopting a staged approach over a number of years with full handover to new body at the end of the development process.

·         Chilmington Green – LTS will be via a charitable company with trustees initially drawn from a number of areas such as parish, county and voluntary sector organisations.


Another option discussed by members was the Land Trust which is a national charity set up specifically to manage land assets, parks and wildlife areas, together with community buildings.  Using the Land Trust would mean leasing the land to the trust over a long period.


Members considered that this would mean different groups managing different parts of the site. No real financial information on funding was given and it was therefore agreed that further investigation was needed on funding; endowments and service charges and all cost implications through the preparation of a strategy. Members also asked to be briefed on the LTS arrangements for Letchworth.


Members noted that to produce the LTS strategy more work is required on which assets should be included and excluded. .


Members considered that the governance structure in future could reflect a Town Council with local representation and with democratic accountability.


Members asked that “cultural and community events” is given more consideration as to the how this would work, preferring consideration to be given to community development as oppose to restricting to events.


Members agreed the underlying principles will be put with a recommendation to Cabinet in October.