Agenda item

Motions on Notice

The following motions have been placed on the agenda in the order received; up to 60 minutes shall be allowed for debates on motions on notice:


1.    Councillor McConville, Leader of the Labour Party:


This Council moves to, under part 4 section 25.2 amend the constitution in regards to part 4 section 12.6. “Time-limit debates on opposition business shall be limited to 15 minutes”. This should be amended to read 30 minutes.


As per the constitution, this item was proposed and seconded at the meeting held o 24 July 2019, and is now open for debate.  


2.    Councillor Prater, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party:


"This Council believes that a Committee system is appropriate for its Governance in the future and asks the Audit and Governance Committee to consider the issue at the earliest opportunity.


"If the Audit and Governance Committee endorses this view when it reports to Council it should suggest an outline committee structure."


3.    Councillor McConville, Leader of the Labour Party:


“This Council moves to, under part 5 section 27.2 amend the constitution in regard to part 5 section 6.2. A councillor, who has proposed a motion which has been referred to a committee or sub-committee, shall be given at least three clear working days’ notice of the meeting, at which the motion will be considered, by the Head of Paid Service. If the councillor attends the meeting but is not a member of that committee or sub-committee, s/he shall have an opportunity to explain the motion to the committee or sub-committee.


This should be amended to read “A councillor, who has proposed a motion or Opposition Business”. As per the constitution it is resolved that this motion stand adjourned, without discussion until the next ordinary meeting of the Council”.


4.    Councillor McConville, Leader of the Labour Party:


"This Council condemns the purchase of Westenhanger Castle without the specific prior agreement of this Council."


1.       From Councillor McConville, Leader of the Labour Party


Councillor McConville set out his motion to amend the constitution in regard to part 4 section 12.6, altering the time limit for debates on Opposition business from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. The motion had been proposed and seconded at the meeting of the Council on 24 July 2019, and was now open for debate.


Proposed by Councillor McConville,

Seconded by Councillor Monk; and




That under Part 4, Section 25.2, the time limit set out in part 4 section 12.6 of the constitution be amended from 15 minutes to 30 minutes.


In accordance with the council procedure rule 17.5, five members present demanded a recorded vote.


FOR: Councillors Mrs Berry, Brook, Miss Carey, Collier, Davison, Dorrell, Fuller, Gane, Goddard, David Godfrey, Hills, Mrs Hollingsbee, Keen, J Martin, P Martin, McConville, Meade, Meyers, Monk, Mullard, Peall, Prater, Rolfe, Shoob, Treloar, Wade, Whybrow, Wimble, Wing (29).


AGAINST: None (0).




(Voting figures: 29 for, 0 against, 0 abstentions).



2.       From Councillor Prater, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party


Councillor Prater outlined his motion which proposed that the Audit and Governance Committee be asked to consider the introduction of a Committee system.


Proposed by Councillor Prater,

Seconded by Councillor J Martin;


That this Council believes that a Committee System is appropriate for its Governance in the future and asks the Audit and Governance Committee to consider the issue at the earliest opportunity. If the Audit and Governance Committee were to endorse this view when it reports to Council, it should suggest an outline committee structure.


Proposed by Councillor Monk,

Seconded by Councillor Mrs Hollingsbee; and




That the motion be amended to read:

“That this Council believes that all Councillors should have the ability to participate fully in decision-making and that a range of governance options are available. This council believes that a cross party working group of all group leaders should be set up to consider the issues of moving to a committee system, or an alternative system, at the earliest opportunity reporting back to council”.


(Voting figures: 29 for, 0 against, 0 abstentions).




That this Council believes that all Councillors should have the ability to participate fully in decision-making and that a range of governance options are available. This council believes that a cross party working group of all group leaders should be set up to consider the issues of moving to a committee system, or an alternative system, at the earliest opportunity reporting back to council.


(Voting figures: 29 for, 0 against, 0 abstentions).


3.       From Councillor McConville, Leader of the Labour Party


Councillor McConville outlined his motion which asked for an amendment to part 5, section 6.2 of the constitution, to read “A councillor, who has proposed a motion or Opposition business”.


Proposed by Councillor McConville,

Seconded by Councillor Fuller;


“This Council moves to, under part 5 section 27.2 amend the constitution in regard to part 5 section 6.2. A Councillor, who has proposed a motion which has been referred to a committee or sub-committee, shall be given at least three clear working days’ notice of the meeting, at which the motion will be considered, by the Head of Paid Service. If the Councillor attends the meeting but is not a member of that committee or sub-committee, s/he shall have an opportunity to explain the motion to the committee or sub-committee.


This should be amended to read “A councillor, who has proposed a motion or Opposition Business”.


As per rule 25.5 of the constitution, it is resolved that this motion stand adjourned, without discussion until the next ordinary meeting of the Council.


4.       From Councillor McConville, Leader of the Labour Party


Councillor McConville set out his motion which asked the Council to condemn the purchase of Westenhanger Castle without the specific prior agreement of this Council.


Proposed by Councillor McConville,

Seconded by Councillor Meade;


That Council condemns the purchase of Westenhanger Castle without the specific prior agreement of this Council.


In accordance with the council procedure rule 17.5, five members present demanded a recorded vote.


FOR: Councillors Davison, Dorrell, Fuller, Keen, J Martin, McConville, Meade, Prater, Shoob, Treloar, Wade, Whybrow, Wing (13).


AGAINST: Councillors Mrs Berry, Brook, Miss Carey, Collier, Gane, Goddard, Godfrey, Hills, Mrs Hollingsbee, Martin, Meyers, Monk, Mullard, Peall, Rolfe, Wimble (16).




(Voting figures: 13 for, 16 against, 0 abstentions).


The motion was therefore LOST.