Agenda item

East Kent Housing performance update

The attached briefing note OS/19/02 entitled East Kent Housing – Context will be followed by a presentation to the Committee. 



A briefing note OS/19/02 entitled East Kent Housing was presented to the Committee which was followed by a presentation. This is attached to the minutes for information.


Also in attendance for this item was Deborah Upton, East Kent Housing (EKH) to answer any questions members may have.


Adrian Hammond, Housing Strategy Manager presented the presentation paying particular attention to the performance concerns listed in the papers attached and the  measures that have been taken by the Council and East Kent Housing to date to deal with the issues of non-compliance across the Council’s housing stock managed by EKH.


A timeline of recent the performances issues and the actions taken by the Council and EKH are shown in the papers.  Due to the gravity of the situation in relation to the gas contract, EKH are now providing the 4 councils with daily updates. There is an independent investigation underway due to non-compliance issues which will be reported back to members in due course. The Council is also investigating potential overcharging within the previous gas contract arrangements.


A detailed action plan is being prepared by EKH to ensure that all areas of non-compliance are dealt with as a priority. The Council’s Monitoring Officer will be presenting a report to Cabinet on 31 July which will set out details of the Council’s non-compliance in respect of gas safety across its housing stock. 


The Council’s Client officer will also be responding to this report to advise Cabinet of the ongoing action being taken by the Council and EKH to deal with all areas of non-compliance.  The Client officers will also set our proposals for the Council to review how it’s Housing and Tenant Services are delivered, including the options for returning the service to its direct control.  At its meeting on 31 July, Cabinet will also be requested to approve the award of the long-term Heating maintenance, servicing and installation contract following the termination of the contract by the previous contractors. 


Members paid particular attention to the following:


·         Relationship with EKH – the report to Cabinet on 31 July will state that arrangements for managing the Council’s housing stock will be reviewed. Officers will work with tenants and members to move this forward.

  • Deborah Upton informed members that the temporary contract now and when the new long-term Heating Services contract (once awarded) will subject to weekly monitoring arrangements by EKH.

·         Complaints procedure – members asked for an update on the number of complaints received, the procedure used and the how long responses take. In response to this question it was reported that any complaints about contractors is sent directly to them to action and if these are not dealt with in the appropriate way then EKH take on the issues and respond within 10 days.

·         Gas certificates – it was noted that these are provided to tenants once the checks have been made, this is followed up by standard audit checks. Susan Priest informed members that we are in a better place now with lots of work already done, an action plan is in development and all high risk actions have been completed, with a number of actions to be undertaken.

·         EKH HQN investigation – this will be completed by the end of July by EKH.

·         The 4 Councils are commissioning their own independent review of all areas of non-compliance.  This will be reported to members once completed

·         Fraud investigation – members were informed that external barristers had been advising on this which is ongoing and a report will be brought back following the findings being made available.

·         Additional costs of £27,000 have been incurred by the Council over the period of 3 months (since May) to cover the temporary contract arrangements.


Members were informed that the 4 councils have a number of options that will need to be considered as part of the review of future arrangements for delivering the Council’s Housing and Tenant Services. 


Apologies have been made to tenants and will be made clear on the Council’s website and EKH website and any social media outlets.


The Council intends finding out what happened, how it happened and that this never happens again as the service provided to tenant over the recent months is simply not good enough.


Alongside the presentation information relating to performance indicators were circulated to members and the public gallery, these are also attached to the minutes for information. Mr Hammond informed that rent arrears are increasing but remain below the annual target for the year end. The Mears contract is performing well overall, again this is monitored regularly.


Proposed by Councillor Peter Gane

Seconded by Councillor Laura Davison and


Resolved: That a further report be presented to the Committee in respect of the Complaints procedure and the numbers and decisions made.


(Voting: For 8; Against 0; Abstentions 0)


Proposed by Councillor Peter Gane

Seconded by Councillor Patricia Rolfe and


Resolved: To receive and note the briefing report.


(Voting: For 8; Against 0; Abstentions 0)


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