Committee details - East Kent Joint Arrangements Committee

Committee details

East Kent Joint Arrangements Committee

Purpose of committee

Terms of Reference


·                    To exercise the executive and non-executive functions of the parties in order to commission, co-ordinate, provide, procure and/or manage any shared services as are agreed from time to time by two or more of the parties.

·                    To provide strategic direction to the officers advising the EKJAC.

·                    To exercise any of the functions or services that are determined to be a shared service in accordance with these arrangements.

·                    To develop work programmes and projects in relation to the functions which the parties are minded to be delegated to the EKJAC by the parties.

·                    To regularly report to each of the parties on its activities.

·                    To respond to reports and recommendations made by the East Kent Joint Scrutiny Committee.

·                    To monitor the operation of the EKJAC and of any shared service.

·                    To propose a budget for a shared service to the Parties and to monitor and manage any such budget once approved by them.

·                    To review these arrangements from time to time and make recommendations to the Parties for improvement and change and to propose (as appropriate) the creation of special purpose vehicles for the achievement of the objectives, including companies, formal partnerships or consortia, the expansion of these arrangements to include other local authorities, the conclusion of contracts with other persons and the provision of services, supplies and works to other persons.



  • Councillor R Bayford 
  • Mr P Carter 
  • Councillor J Gilbey 
  • Mr A King 
  • Councillor Mrs J Law 
  • Councillor F Scales 
  • Councillor M Wise 

Contact information

Phone: 01303 853411


Web site: