Issue details

East Kent Housing - Compliance Update

In late May it emerged that there were serious issues of non-compliance with regards to East Kent Housing’s management of gas safety across East Kent’s council housing stock.


As a result, the Monitoring Officer will, in accordance with her statutory duty, report on this breach to Cabinet on 31 July, and the report has been shared with all Members of the Council.


This report sets out the context to these issues of non-compliance and how they are being addressed. The report also sets out the steps the East Kent councils are taking to ensure these issues of non-compliance do not occur again, including the need to consider alternative options for the future delivery of the management of council housing. It will, therefore, serve as the means by which the Council replies (as it is required to do) to the Monitoring Officer’s report.


The report also sets out details of wider compliance issues identified within the Council’s housing stock which have been identified through an East Kent Internal Audit Investigation of compliance across the housing stock managed by East Kent Housing in East Kent.  East Kent Housing has also identified detailed significant areas of non-compliance in respect of the pumping and water treatment plants which it manages. East Kent Housing (EKH) are urgently preparing detailed action plans to ensure that all areas of non-compliance are addressed as a priority.




Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/07/2019

General exception notice

This item is subject to the General Exception procedure required by The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. It is proposed to take a key decision on the date shown on the title page of this Forward Plan. It would be impracticable to defer the decision until the publicity requirements for key decisions can be met. This notice has been issued by the Chief Executive and sent to the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Reason for urgency:
The Council is seeking to progress an urgent review of the housing management and wider tenant services provided through East Kent Housing following significant non-compliance issues identified across the Council’s housing stock managed by East Kent Housing. The report also sets out details of the compliance issues and the action the Council has taken to date and intends to take going forward to ensure that the compliance issues are fully addressed as a priority.

Reasons for urgent decision:
* It is essential Councillors are fully informed on the non-compliance issues across the housing stock managed by East Kent Housing and the action taken by the Council.
* It is imperative that the proposed review is completed as soon as possible.
* The Council intends to work in partnership with the other four Council owners of East Kent Housing in order to complete the review.

Decision due: 31 Jul 2019 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing and special projects

Lead director: Sarah Robson

Contact: Graham Hammond, Senior Economic Development Officer Email:

Agenda items