Issue - meetings

Quarter 3 General Fund Revenue Budget Monitoring

Meeting: 20/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 General Fund Revenue Budget Monitoring - 3rd quarter 2020/21

This monitoring report provides a projection of the end of year financial position of the General Fund revenue budget, based on expenditure to the 30 November 2020.

Supporting documents:


The monitoring report provided a projection of the end of year financial position of the General Fund revenue budget, based on expenditure to the 30 November 2020.


The Finance and Performance Scrutiny Sub-Committee had also considered this report at their meeting on 12 January 2021. The minutes of their meeting had been circulated to the Cabinet Members prior to the meeting.


Proposed by Councillor Monk,

Seconded by Councillor Peall; and



That report C/20/63 be received and noted.


(Voting figures: 9 for, 0 against, 0 abstentions).



Cabinetis asked to agree the recommendations because it needs to be informed of the council’s General Fund revenue budget position and take appropriate action to deal with any variance from the approved budget.