Agenda and minutes

Special Meeting, Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 30th January, 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, Folkestone

Contact: Sue Lewis 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members of the committee should declare any interests which fall under the following categories*:


a)    disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI);

b)    other significant interests (OSI);

c)     voluntary announcements of other interests.


There were no declarations of interest.


Delivering Otterpool Park and Otterpool Park Framework Masterplan (Part exempt)

Report C/17/76 provides an update to Cabinet on a range of matters relating to the delivery of Otterpool Park. It sets out various options for delivering the council’s objectives for Otterpool Park and also makes recommendations that the council should explore, including the option of forming a development company. It also provides an update on the budget for the project.


Supporting documents:


Report C/17/76 provides an update to Cabinet on a range of matters

relating to the delivery of Otterpool Park. It sets out various options for

delivering the council’s objectives for Otterpool Park and also makes

recommendations that the council should explore, including the option of

forming a development company. It also provides an update on the budget

for the project.


Andy Jarrett, Head of Strategic Development Projects informed that officers are now focusing on moving forward with delivery of the project and this report asks Cabinet to agree a number of recommendations to do this.


He explained that sitting behind the project is the question of return, ensuring that the project will be profitable. This is a new experience for the council as the project is far bigger in size, complexity and time to deliver than any previous project it has led. The Council has sought advice from a number of professionals because of this.


Mr Jarrett explained that there are always risks with projects of this size but these reduce over time with profit increasing, therefore, if the council meets all the necessary requirements it could give a commercial return that would then be put to use in other parts of the district. The financial objectives are shown in the papers attached but it was made clear that the council’s finance team will monitor all aspects of the project. A report will be brought to Cabinet with a full financial and viability update in March 2018.


A number of delivery options have been put forward but the preferred option is to have a corporate joint venture which is typical of large scale, long term projects, therefore Cabinet is asked to agree that officers investigate this further.

Members asked a number of questions paying particular attention to the following:


·         Importance of avoiding delay, and avoiding uncertainty and risk in selection of a delivery route.

·         Profitability – it is still early stages and what degree of profitability the scheme will have will become known later but the signs are positive. Further details will be needed on how the whole district will benefit, but it is too early to be specific at this stage.

·         Finance – all indications are good but the finance team will work alongside the project team and will monitor at all stages.

·         Long term vision –guarantees cannot be made but officers informed that the council is in a good position, particularly as it is  both the local planning authority and owns 50% of the land for the project, which gives more control.

·         Benefit – the Council has backing from KCC through its application to the government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund which can help deliver schools, surgeries and other facilities early.

·         Stability against risk – the Council has stability and continuity therefore is desirable for partners, and has value in the land. Advice will be sought as a next step on how future JV arrangements can minimise risks from eg bankruptcy of a private sector partner.


A copy of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73.


Exclusion of the public


Proposed by Councillor Russell Tillson

Seconded by Councillor Michael Lyons and



To exclude the public for the following item of business on the grounds that it is likely to disclose exempt information, as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 –


‘Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).  “Financial or business affairs” includes contemplated as well as current activities.’


(Voting: For 10; Against 0; Abstentions 0)



Delivering Otterpool Park and Otterpool Park Framework Masterplan (Part exempt)


Members were given an update on some of the land ownership aspects of delivering Otterpool Park.