Agenda and minutes

Planning and Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 28th February, 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, Folkestone

Contact: Kate Clark 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members of the committee should declare any interests which fall under the following categories*:


a)    disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI);

b)    other significant interests (OSI);

c)     voluntary announcements of other interests.


Councillors Govett and Simmons declared an interest with regard to Y16/0355/SH Land Adjacent to 49 Adie Road, Greatstone, Kent . 


Councillor Peacock declared an interest with regard to Y16/0623/SH Little Densole Farm, Canterbury Road, Densole, Kent as he is employed by the company who maintain the land.  Councillor Peacock refrained from taking part in the discussions and voting on this item. 


Councillor Mrs Berry declared an interest with regard to Y16/1393/SH Radnor Park, Radnor Park Road, Folkestone, Kent. 


Councillor Wilkins declared an interest with regard to Y16/1221/SH Land Rear, 2 Willop Close, Dymchurch, Kent. 



To consider and approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 20 December 2016.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 20 December 2016 were submitted, approved and signed by the Chairman. 


Report by the Head of Planning

Report DCL/16/12 sets out the planning applications that will be

considered by the Planning and Licensing Committee.

Supporting documents:


At the start of considering the report by the Head of Planning the Committee noted that applications Y16/0635/SH (Land adjoining Orchard Cottage, the Street, Postling)  and Y16/1221/SH (Land rear of 2 Willop Close, Dymchurch) had been withdrawn for the reasons stated.



1                      Y16/1093/SH: Wharfdale, Station Road, Hythe


Demolition of House and erection of a terrace of 4 houses with detached car ports.


Mr Mike Simmons, the applicant’s agent spoke on their behalf.


Proposed by Councillor Dick Pascoe

Seconded by Councillor Philip Martin and 


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report.  Also subject to detailed wording to be agreed by the Head of Planning, including consideration of the need and wording for conditions relating to works to the access road and obscure glazing to the southern elevation of the terrace. 


(Voting: For 11; Against 0; Abstentions 1 )




2.                Y16/0623/SH: Little Densole Farm, Canterbury Road, Densole


Siting of 12 holiday lodges and erection of a reception building and a store

building, together with formation of a fishing lake, a car park area, tennis courts, a children’s play area, and a putting green, to create a tourism site.


Councillor Paul Peacock made a declaration of pecuniary interest as he works for a contractor for the MoD which owns part of the application site. He therefore left the Chamber and took no part in the discussion on this matter.


Mr Joseph Wright, a local resident, spoke in favour of the application. He said this development would boost the local economy and that although the site is in an AONB, trees and shrubs would be planted and this site would be an excellent opportunity to ‘show off’’ the AONB. 


Councillor Godfrey, the Ward member, spoke in favour of the application. He was encouraged by the fact that this development seems to be sensitive to its surroundings, is of high quality and will attract tourism. 


Mr Jonathan Moore Lambe, the agent for the applicants spoke on their behalf.  Mr Moore Lambe explained this is an exclusive holiday facility aimed at wheelchair users.  He mentioned it would be an excellent facility to be promoted to tourists visiting Kent. 


Councillors, having regards to the requirements of Development Plan policy and Government advice set out within the NPPF felt that, on balance, the development would  conserve and preserve the scenic beauty of the AONB whilst also providing significant employment and tourism benefits and enhancing the North Downs and wider district.  Councillors considered that the AONB location was suitable and that the application demonstrated that there would not be harm to the AONB, which is given the highest status of protection in the NPPF.  Councillors considered the development therefore complied with policy and constituted sustainable development. 


Proposed by Councillor Dick Pascoe

Seconded by Councillor Peter Simmons and


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted and the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to negotiate with the applicants the detail of the conditions to be imposed.


(Voting: For 8; Against 2; Abstentions  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Exclusion of the public

To exclude the public for the following items of business on the grounds

that it is likely to disclose exempt information as defined in paragraph 7 of

Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:


Information relating to any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution of crime.


The Committee resolved that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it contained exempt information as defined in paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



Deteriorating Condition of a Premises

Report DCL/16/13 considers the appropriate action to be taken regarding the severe deterioration of a property within the Folkestone Leas and Bayle Conservation Area, which is a Grade II Listed Building. This report recommends that a Section 215 Notice be served, with delegated authority given to the Head of Planning to finalise the wording of the notice.


Supporting documents:


Because of the severe deterioration of a property situated at Clifton Crescent which is within the Folkestone Leas and Bayle Conservation Area the report recommended a Section 215 Notice be served requiring the owner of the specified building to undertake a range of remedial works as described in the report. 


Proposed Councillor Roger Wilkins

Seconded Councillor Peter Simmons and



(i)            A Section 215 Notice is served requiring a range of work to be undertaken at the property in question as detailed in the report by the Head of Planning.

(ii)          The Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to determine the exact wording of the Notice.

(iii)         The period for compliance with the Notice is to be 6 months, and

(iv)         The Head of Planning be authorised to take such steps as are necessary, including legal proceedings to secure compliance with the Notice. 

(Voting: For 12; Against 0; Abstentions 0)