Agenda and minutes

Planning and Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 24th May, 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Folkestone

Contact: Sue Lewis 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members of the committee should declare any interests which fall under the following categories:


a)    disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI);

b)    other significant interests (OSI);

c)    voluntary announcements of other interests.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Ray Field declared a other significant interest in that he is a member of Cabinet and therefore left the meeting during discussions and voting on applications 21/2282/FH and 21/2380/FH/CON – Princes Parade Promenade.


Councillor Jackie Meade declared a voluntary announcement in that she is known to one of the speakers in respect of applications 21/0765/FH and 21/0926/FH – 1 Cherry Garden Avenue. She remained in the meeting for discussions and voting on these items.



To consider and approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 19 April 2022.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 19 April 2022 were submitted, approved and signed by the Chairman.


21/2282/FH - Princes Parade Promenade, Princes Parade, Hythe CT21 6EQ

Reserved matters application for the approval of all reserved matters (means of access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to hybrid planning permission Y17/1042/SH for the provision of infrastructure and landscaped areas only (realigned access road, widened promenade, western park open and play space, linear park, western end car park and parking spaces).


Supporting documents:


Reserved matters application for the approval of all reserved matters (means of access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to hybrid planning permission Y17/1042/SH for the provision of infrastructure and landscaped areas only (realigned access road, widened promenade, western park open and play space, linear park, western end car park and parking spaces).


The planning officer informed that Historic England had no further comments to make.


Nicola Stuart, local resident, spoke against the application

Cllr Jim Martin, Ward Member spoke against the application

Michael Bottomley, Agent spoke on the application.


Proposed by Councillor Tony Hills

Seconded by Councillor Ms Susan Carey and



That delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to grant reserved matters approval subject to no additional issues being raised following the re-consultation on the amended description (as set out ), and delegated authority to:

A) Agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.

B) Determine under delegated powers any subsequent conditions application that arise directly from this reserved matters application.



For: Berry, Hills, Goddard, Carey, P Martin, Meyers

Against: Fuller, Wing, Keen, Meade, Treloar

Abstentions: Nil


(Voting: For 6; Against 5; Abstentions 0)



21/2380/FH/CON - Princes Parade Promenade, Princes Parade, Hythe CT21 6EQ

Approval of details pursuant to conditions 12 (visibility splays) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b),13 (phasing plan), 14 (leisure centre funding), 15 (preliminary ecological appraisal) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 16 ( detailed ecological statement) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 18 (lighting) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 19 (foul water) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 20 (sewer protection) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 21 (suds) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 22 (suds maintenance) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 24 (suds outfalls), 26 (construction management plan) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 27 (Archaeology) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 28 (foundation designs), 29 (fibre optics), 30 (highway redesign) and 31 (surface water) of planning permission Y17/1042/SH Hybrid application for the development of land at Princes Parade.

Supporting documents:


Approval of details pursuant to conditions 12 (visibility splays) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b),13 (phasing plan), 14 (leisure centre funding), 15 (preliminary ecological appraisal) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 16 ( detailed ecological statement) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 18 (lighting) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 19 (foul water) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 20 (sewer protection) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 21 (suds) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 22 (suds maintenance) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 24 (suds outfalls), 26 (construction management plan) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 27 (Archaeology) (Phases 1, 2a and 2b), 28 (foundation designs), 29 (fibre optics), 30 (highway redesign) and 31 (surface water) of planning permission Y17/1042/SH Hybrid application for the development of land at Princes Parade.


The planning officer informed that 14 letters of objection had been received paying attention to the previous cabinet minutes, financing and funds and contamination contracts.


Chris Farrell, local resident, spoke against the application

Cllr Jim Martin, Ward Member spoke against the application

Michael Bottomley, Agent spoke on the application.


Proposed by Councillor Tony Hills

Seconded by Councillor Ms Susan Carey and



That the conditions submission be approved in accordance with the details and documents provided. That the informatives included at the end of the report be attached to the approval, and authorisation is given to the Chief Planning Officer to amend the wording of these/ include additional informatives as he feels is appropriate.



For: Berry, Hills, Goddard, Carey, P Martin, Meyers

Against: Fuller, Wing, Keen, Meade, Treloar

Abstentions: Nil


(Voting: For 6; Against 5; Abstentions 0)



Y19/0918/FH - Littlestone Golf Club, St Andrews Road, Littlestone, New Romney, Kent TN28 8RB

The demolition of the warren club house and erection of 16 apartments and 5 terrace houses, including one golfers 'dormy' accommodation unit and the extension and improvement of the existing main club house, including revised parking, landscaping and access works.

Supporting documents:


The demolition of the warren club house and erection of 16 apartments and 5 terrace houses, including one golfers 'dormy' accommodation unit and the extension and improvement of the existing main club house, including revised parking, landscaping and access works.


The planning officer informed that there was a change of material to the dark-stained timber to the first floor which would now be white render.


Paul Black, local resident, spoke against application

John Mabberley, local resident, spoke in support of the application

Cllr Paul Thomas, Parish Council, spoke against application

Cllr Patricia Rolfe, Ward Member spoke against the application

Guy Hollaway, agent, spoke on the application


Proposed by Councillor Tony Hills

Seconded by Councillor Ms Susan Carey and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and the applicant entering into a S106 legal agreement securing affordable housing alongside financial contributions toward open space, play space and a monitoring fee and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and the legal agreement and add any other conditions that they consider necessary.


(Voting: For 5; Against 7; Abstentions 0)

Upon being put this vote was LOST


Proposed by Councillor Jackie Mead

Seconded by Councillor Nicola Keen and



That planning permission be refused on the grounds that the site falls outside of the settlement boundary, amounting to unnecessary development which causes harm to the character and appearance of the countryside, and that the design and visual impact of the development is unacceptable contrary to the core strategy and local plan.


(Voting: For 7; Against 4; Abstentions 1)



20/0765/FH - 1 Cherry Garden Avenue, Folkestone, CT19 5LB

Erection of a 2 bedroom detached dwelling following the demolition of an existing dilapidated garage.


Supporting documents:


Erection of a 2 bedroom detached dwelling following the demolition of an existing dilapidated garage.


The planning officer updated members on the correct paragraph numberings referred to in the report in respect of the NPPF, and confirmed that the conclusion reached in the report is unchanged as the content of those paragraphs is exactly the same. The planning officer also recommended that an archaeological watching brief be added to condition 8.


Mark Hourahane, local resident, spoke against application

Derek Taylor, local resident, spoke in support of application


Proposed by Councillor Mrs Ann Berry

Seconded by Councillor Philip Martin and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 10; Against 2; Abstentions 0)



21/0926/FH - 1 Cherry Garden Avenue, Folkestone, CT19 5LB

Listed Building Consent for the removal of existing outbuilding structure and replacement with 2-bed dwelling within the curtilage of a Grade II listed property.


Supporting documents:


Listed Building Consent for the removal of existing outbuilding structure and replacement with 2-bed dwelling within the curtilage of a Grade II listed property.


The planning officerupdated members on the correct paragraph numberings referred to in the report in respect of the NPPF, and confirmed that the conclusion reached in the report is unchanged as the content of those paragraphs is exactly the same. The planning officer also suggested an additional condition to say that the barn could not be demolished until the contract is let for the building of the replacement building.


Mark Hourahane, local resident, spoke against the application

Derek Taylor, local resident, spoke in support of the application


Proposed by Councillor Philip Martin

Seconded by Councillor Mrs Ann Berry and



That listed building consent be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.



For: Berry, Hills, Fuller, Goddard, Carey, Wing, P Martin, Meyers, Treloar, Field

Against: Keen, Meade



(Voting: For 10; Against 2; Abstentions 0)



21/1488/FH - Yew Tree Farm, Stone Street, Stanford, Ashford, TN25 6DH

Retrospective application for the change of use of land for the provision of supervised practical training in the use of construction plant and machinery.

Supporting documents:


Retrospective application for the change of use of land for the provision of supervised practical training in the use of construction plant and machinery.


The planning officer updated that he had received 4 objections from local residents referring to the presence of a nearby listed building; nuisance caused by dust; and HGV access to the site.


Steve Cave, local resident, provided a speech to be read out against the application

Neil Buckley spoke in support of the application

Cllr Graham Horner, Parish Council, spoke against the application

Matt Judge, agent, spoke on the application


Proposed by Councillor Ms Susan Carey

Seconded by Councillor Philip Martin and



That planning permission be refused for the reasons set out at the end of the report.


(Voting: For 4; Against 8; Abstentions 0)

Upon being put the vote was LOST


Proposed by Councillor Tony Hills

Seconded by Councillor Jackie Meade and


Resolved: That consideration of the application be deferred to allow officers to seek additional information from the applicant in respect of noise and potential mitigation, and for officers and the agent to negotiate matters relating to noise mitigation and potential planning conditions.


(Voting: For 9; Against 2; Abstentions 1)



21/1707/FH - Bayle Court, The Parade, Folkestone, CT20 1SN

Alterations to roof of building to accommodate 2 two-bed flats within the roof space.

Supporting documents:


Alterations to roof of building to accommodate 2 two-bed flats within the roof space.


The planning officer informed that he had received an additional letter of objection raising points already covered within the report.


Clare Worley, local resident, spoke against the application

Proposed by Councillor Philip Martin

Seconded by Councillor Ms Susan Carey and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 7; Against 2; Abstentions 3)



21/1806/FH - 2 - 4 Taylor Road, Lydd-on-Sea, TN29 9PA

Re-submission of planning application 21/0101/FH. Sub-division of the existing two first floor flats to form four self-contained flats, together with the construction of six front dormer windows in the existing roof to form an additional two flats within the roof space, insertion of 8no. roof lights in the rear roof slope, re-location of existing extractor flue on the rear elevation, addition of external cladding to the first floor front elevation and formation of associated parking area following demolition of existing structures.

Supporting documents:


Re-submission of planning application 21/0101/FH. Sub-division of the existing two first floor flats to form four self-contained flats, together with the construction of six front dormer windows in the existing roof to form an additional two flats within the roof space, insertion of 8no. roof lights in the rear roof slope, re-location of existing extractor flue on the rear elevation, addition of external cladding to the first floor front elevation and formation of associated parking area following demolition of existing structures.


Susan Smith, local resident, spoke against the application.

Proposed by Councillor Ms Susan Carey

Seconded by Councillor Philip Martin and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 8; Against 2; Abstentions 2)



20/0747/FH & 20/0752FH - Kings Arms, The Square, Elham, Canterbury CT4 6TJ

20/0747/FH - Erection of single storey rear extensions, refurbishment of existing outbuilding to provide dining area and all associated landscaping works.


20/0752/FH - Listed building consent for the erection of single storey rear extensions, refurbishment of existing outbuilding to provide dining area and associated internal and external works.


Supporting documents:


20/0747/FH - Erection of single storey rear extensions, refurbishment of existing outbuilding to provide dining area and all associated landscaping works.


20/0752/FH - Listed building consent for the erection of single storey rear extensions, refurbishment of existing outbuilding to provide dining area and associated internal and external works.


Matthew Edwards, local resident, spoke against the application

Barry Flanagan, spoke in support of the application

Alister Hume. Agent, to speak on application


Proposed by Councillor Clive Goddard

Seconded by Councillor Tony Hills and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 5; Against 6; Abstentions 1)

Upon being put the vote was LOST


Proposed by Councillor Philip Martin

Seconded by Councillor Nicola Keen and


Resolved: That planning permission is refused on the following grounds:

1.         That the proposal would be an over intensive development detrimental to the residential amenity of adjacent dwellings through increased noise and disturbance, loss of privacy and a detrimental impact upon outlook.

2.         That the lack of off street parking spaces to service the proposed development would be detrimental to the amenity and safety of all users of the highway


(Voting: For 7; Against 2; Abstentions 3)


Proposed by Councillor Clive Goddard

Seconded by Councillor Tony Hills and


Resolved: That listed building consent is granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report.


(Voting: For 6; Against 2; Abstentions 4)



21/2369/FH - Hillboro, Sunnyside Road, Sandgate, Folkestone, CT20 3DR

Proposed 4no new dwellings and associated external areas within the curtilage of Hillboro (proposed to be demolished) and accessed from Sunnyside Road via a new private shared drive (re-submission of 20/1356/FH).

Supporting documents:


Proposed 4no new dwellings and associated external areas within the curtilage of Hillboro (proposed to be demolished) and accessed from Sunnyside Road via a new private shared drive (re-submission of 20/1356/FH).


The planning officer advised that the Council’s tree officer had no objections subject to receipt of a plan detailing the position of tree protection measures, and advised that this could be secured by condition.


Ms Cusack spoke against the application

Cllr Guy Valentine-Neale, parish council, spoke against the application

Guy Hollaway, agent, spoke on the application


Proposed by Councillor Gary Fuller

Seconded by Councillor Jackie Meade and



That planning permission be refused on the grounds that the scale and size of the development is too big and that policies HB1, HB2, HB10 have not been met.


(Voting: For 5; Against 7; Abstentions 0)

Upon being put the vote was LOST


Proposed by Councillor Clive Goddard

Seconded by Councillor Tony Hills and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 7; Against 5; Abstentions 0)



21/2449/FH - 7 The Old High Street, Folkestone

Section 73 application for the variation of condition 2 (hours of opening) of planning permission Y18/0168/SH to allow public use of existing outbuilding 08.00 to 21.00 on any day.

Supporting documents:


Section 73 application for the variation of condition 2 (hours of opening) of planning permission Y18/0168/SH to allow public use of existing outbuilding 08.00 to 21.00 on any day.


The planning officer informed that a letter had been sent to all residents informing them of changes to the way in which the premises would operate, ad advising that cowls had been attached to external lighting.


Adrian Lockwood, local resident, spoke in support of the application

Proposed by Councillor Clive Goddard

Seconded by Councillor Nicola Keen and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 12; Against 0; Abstentions 0)



21/2281/FH - Flat 4 and 8, 10 Trinity Crescent, Folkestone CT20 2ET

Additional documents:


Section 73 Application for the removal of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 83/1121/ SH - conversion of Hotel into 15 self-contained and 2 non self-contained catering studio holiday apartments - to allow the four self-contained holiday flats on the first and second floors of 10 Trinity Crescent to be used as two permanent self-contained apartments.


The planning officer informed that there was an appeal against the previous decision which has now concluded and dismissed.


Roger Joyce, agent, spoke on the application.

Proposed by Councillor Gary Fuller

Seconded by Councillor Tony Hills and


Resolved: That planning permission be approved as Members considered that adequate marketing had now been carried out, and the proposal was therefore in accordance with the development plan.


(Voting: For 5; Against 4; Abstentions 3)



Signed Lobbying forrms

Supporting documents: