Agenda and minutes

Planning and Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 23rd August, 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Folkestone

Contact: Sue Lewis 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members of the committee should declare any interests which fall under the following categories:


a)    disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI);

b)    other significant interests (OSI);

c)    voluntary announcements of other interests.

Supporting documents:


There were no declarations of interest.



To consider and approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2022.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2022 were submitted, approved and signed by the Chairman.


22/0751/FH/CON - Princes Parade Promenade, Princes Parade, Hythe, CT21 6EQ

Approval of details pursuant to conditions 3 (preliminary ecological appraisal), 4 (ecological method statement), 5 (management & maintenance relating to drainage & 7 (contamination) of planning permission 21/1997/FH for storm water outfall drainage pipes.

Supporting documents:


Approval of details pursuant to conditions 3 (preliminary ecological appraisal), 4 (ecological method statement), 5 (management & maintenance relating to drainage & 7 (contamination) of planning permission 21/1997/FH for storm water outfall drainage pipes.


Cllr Jim Martin, spoke on behalf of Hythe Town Council

Michael Bottomley, agent spoke on the application.


Proposed by Councillor Tony Hills

Seconded by Councillor Philip Martin and



That conditions approval submission be approved in accordance with the details and documents provided. That the informatives included at the end of the report be attached to the approval, and authorisation is given to the Chief Planning Officer to amend the wording of these/ include additional informatives as he feels is appropriate.


(Voting: For 7; Against 3; Abstentions 1)


22/0745/FH/CON - Princes Parade Promenade, Princes Parade, Hythe CT21 6EQ

Additional documents:


Approval of details pursuant to condition 25 (contamination) part a (all phases) and parts b and c (Phase F access road only) of planning permission Y17/1042/SH Hybrid application accompanied by an

Environmental Statement for the development of land at Princes Parade, comprising an outline application (with all matters reserved) for up to 150 residential dwellings.


The planning officer informed that 1 objection had been received in respect of contamination and toxic waste.


Cllr Jim Martin, spoke on behalf of Hythe Town Council

Seamus Lefroy-Brooks, agent spoke on the application.


A recorded vote was requested by Cllr Keen. Recorded votes require a minimum of  five councillors to vote for it to take place.  Insufficient votes were received and the request failed.


Proposed by Councillor Georgina Treloar

Seconded by Councillor Nicola Keen and


Proposal:  To defer the application until sight of completed remediation reports have been provided.


(Voting: For 4; Against 7; Abstentions 0)

Upon being put the vote was LOST


Proposed by Councillor Tony Hills

Seconded by Councillor Philip Martin and



That delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to allow for additional information to be submitted, once a sub-contractor has been appointed, in conjunction with consultation with the LPA’s Contamination Consultant and the Environment Agency (EA). If on receipt of this information, the details are acceptable and meet the outstanding requirements of the condition, for the Chief Planning Officer to approve the condition application. It is also recommended that the informatives included at the end of the report be attached to the approval, and authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to amend the wording of these/ include additional informatives as he feels is appropriate.


(Voting: For 7; Against 4; Abstentions 0)



22/0319/FH - Cliff Lodge, Cliff Road, Hythe, CT21 5XW

Erection of new 4 bed dwelling over 3 levels (with the lower ground level set into the rising ground behind) and associated garden space.

Supporting documents:


Erection of new 4 bed dwelling over 3 levels (with the lower ground level set into the rising ground behind) and associated garden space.


The planning officer informed that there were no objections from the Environmental Health officer and one representation had been received with regards to the verge ownership and it not being registered and the damage during construction. It was noted that this is a private legal matter if damage does occur.


Karen Wright, local resident, spoke against the application.

Robert Palmer, agent spoke on the application.


Proposed by Councillor Tony Hills

Seconded by Councillor Philip Martin and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 8; Against 0; Abstentions 3)


21/2189/FH -Land rear of 192 Seabrook Road, Hythe, CT21 5RA

Erection of a three-storey four bedroom dwelling with associated parking and

on land to the rear of 192 Seabrook Road.





Supporting documents:


Erection of a three-storey four bedroom dwelling with associated parking and

on land to the rear of 192 Seabrook Road.


The planning officer informed that 3 additional representations had been received, objecting to loss of privacy, loss of open space, pollution, harm to the area, flooding, sewage and parking.


He informed that the application complied with legal requirements and members were reminded that loss of view is not a planning consideration and it was unlikely that overshadowing would occur.


Proposed by Councillor Philip Martin

Seconded by Councillor Tony Hills and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and with delegation to the Chief Planning Officer to negotiate an earlier trigger with the applicant in respect condition 7 and an additional condition requiring the submission of a lighting scheme in accordance with the comments of the KCC ecologist. and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 6; Against 3; Abstentions 2)



22/0155/FH - 36a Seabrook Road, Hythe, CT21 5LZ

Erection of two storey side and rear extension and replacement roof structure (including dormer windows), to provide an additional self-contained flat unit within roof space.

Supporting documents:


Erection of two storey side and rear extension and replacement roof structure (including dormer windows), to provide an additional self-contained flat unit within roof space.


The planning officer informed that Hythe Town Council had now withdrawn their objection in respect of flooding and the Environment Agency are now satisfied with the application.


Proposed by Councillor John Wing

Seconded by Councillor Georgina Treloar and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 11; Against 0; Abstentions 0)


22/0985/FH - Rose Cottage, Oak Lodge Road, New Romney, TN28 8BG

Erection of bedroom annex in garden of care home comprising two single person suites each with bedroom, bathroom and living room.

Supporting documents:


Erection of bedroom annex in garden of care home comprising two single person suites each with bedroom, bathroom and living room.


The planning officer provided members with additional information stating that KCC Archaeology had no objections, the Arboricultural Officer had no objections, Southern Water requested an additional condition relating to surface water runoff and 3 objections were received with regards to Highways Safety and amenities, which are covered within the report.


Proposed by Councillor Tony Hills

Seconded by Councillor Philip Martin and



That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 8; Against 2; Abstentions 1)