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Community Overview Committee

This page lists the meetings for Community Overview Committee.


Information about Community Overview Committee

Terms of Reference


To contribute to the development of and review of the council’s community plan including the review of performance against targets.


To consider how the council engages with the community including reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness of the council’s communication and consultation strategy and other strategies that have an impact on relationships with the public.


To consider how the council develops relationships with its partners and review the effectiveness of those partnerships in contributing to the council’s vision and objectives.


To scrutinise the work and decisions of the partnerships that the council is involved in.

To prepare responses to consultation for consideration by the executive on any matter that affects community services in the district including education and health.


To act as the Council’s Crime and Disorder Committee and to meet for that purpose at least once a year.


To co-opt members and determine whether they are entitled to vote on any matter in accordance with the Crime and Disorder (Overview and Scrutiny) Regulations 2009.


To develop, in conjunction with the resources scrutiny committee, an annual scrutiny programme for endorsement by council.


To review the steps that the Council has taken in response to a petition where the petition organiser has requested a review under the Petition Scheme and to take such decisions as it considers appropriate following the review


To hold at least four ordinary meetings of the community overview committee in each municipal year. The chairman or, any four members of the community overview committee or the head of the paid service may call extraordinary meetings if he/she/they considers it appropriate.