Agenda item

Report from the Head of Planning

Report DCL/17/28 sets out the planning applications that will be

considered by the Planning and Licensing Committee.


Report DCL/17/28 set out the planning application that were considered by the Planning and Licensing Committee. 




                           POSTLING KENT


This application was withdrawn from the Statutory Register and was not considered at this committee meeting. 




                             FOLKESTONE KENT


Use of land as a street market


Mrs Viv Kenny, resident, spoke against the application.

Mr Richard Wallace, Folkestone Town Council, spoke on the application.

Mr Ben Sharp, applicant’s agent, spoke on the application. 


It was noted that there is a maximum of 104 days of markets per year and this to be added as part of the conditions. 

Proposed by Councillor Michael Lyons

Seconded by Councillor Dick Pascoe and



That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:

1.    Development to begin within 3 years

2.    Layout / number of stalls (as shown on submitted plans) with stalls facing outward.

3.    Days of operation other than December, each market event to last no more than 7 consecutive days with a minimum of 5 days between market events.  Maximum 104 days of markets per year. 

4.    Stalls to be removed at the end of each market event

5.    Refuse and recycling to be cleared at the end of every day the market is in operation

6.    All market stalls should be uniform in appearance and maintained in good condition by the operators of the market.


(Voting: For 6; Against 3; Abstentions 0)


Councillor Mrs Mary Lawes requested her vote against this application was recorded.





Demolition of existing free standing garage and timber porch and erection of single storey attached garage (resubmission of Y17/0688/SH). 


It was noted that Councillor Philip Martin had contacted the planning officer advising his support that permission should be granted.  He was not present at this committee meeting. 


Councillor Tony Hutt, Swingfield Parish Council, spoke against refusal of this application. 


Mr Paul Kegos, applicant’s agent, spoke on the application. 


Members noted the design and position of the proposed development. 


Proposed by Councillor Dick Pascoe

Seconded by Councillor Michael Lyons


That planning permission is granted as the development is not considered to adversely affect the streetscene, it fits within the plot and will not appear out of character with other buildings; and that delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning to impose necessary conditions.


(Voting: For 2; Against 7; Abstentions 0)


Upon being put to the vote to grant permission for this application the MOTION was LOST.


Proposed by Councillor Russell Tillson

Seconded by Councillor Damon Robinson and



That planning permission be refused for the following reason(s):


1.    The proposed extension is of a poor design featuring a large flat-roof and odd form which would fail to relate to the existing character of the dwelling. In addition, the proposal would project forward of the principle elevation of the dwelling, resulting in a prominent development that is unsympathetic and incongruous to the character and appearance of the street scene. The proposal is therefore considered to be unsustainable development that constitutes poor design and is therefore contrary to saved policies SD1, BE1 and BE8 of the Shepway District Local Plan Review and policy DSD of the Shepway Core Strategy.


(Voting: For 7; Against 0; Abstentions 2)





Change of use of ground floor and basement from retail (Class A1) to self-contained flat and associated alterations to the facade, together with installation of a rear dormer and other external alterations in connection with alterations to internal layout of existing upper floor flats, and installation of weatherboarding.


Proposed by Councillor Roger Wilkins

Seconded by Councillor Michael Lyons and



That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:

1. Standard Three Year Condition.

2. Approved plans.

3. Details to be submitted to and approved prior to commencement of

    development for the following;


    - Colour/ materials of proposed weatherboard to rear elevation


4. Provision and retention of refuse/recyclables storage

5. The new windows/ doors on the front elevation shall be timber.         

    Joinery details for them to be submitted and approved.  


(Voting: For 8; Against 0; Abstentions 1)

















Supporting documents: