Agenda item

Application Number: Y17/0710/SH - Ingles Meadow Garden Centre Jointon Road Folkestone Kent CT20 2RF

Report DCL/17/38 - Full planning application for the erection of 40 No. dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping and open space




Report DCL/17/38 set out the Full planning application for the erection of 40 No. dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping and open space.


Councillor Jacqui Meade of Folkestone Town Council spoke on the application.

Mr Nathan Anthony, the applicant’s agent, spoke on the application.


Proposed by Councillor Ewart-James,

Seconded by Councillor Tillson; and




That planning permission be granted subject to the signing of a S106 agreement to secure developer contributions and the conditions set out below and that delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning to determine the wording of the S106 agreement and any additional conditions which are considered reasonably necessary subject to the following amendments to the recommendations of the report:


1.    That the financial contribution to be secured via s106 to mitigate the development for open and play space, as required by policies LR9 and LR10 of the Local Plan, instead go towards providing for an off site contribution to meet identified affordable housing need, as required by policy CSD1 of the Core Strategy. 


2.    That a claw back clause be included within the s106 agreement that ensures that 50% of the uplift in any sales value be captured towards off site affordable housing contribution, up to the equivalent of a 30% off site contribution value in order to meet the requirements of  policy CSD1 and ensure that the development was providing an appropriate proportion of affordable housing, subject to viability. 


3.    That the  application to be referred back to committee should these requirements not be secured.


.Whilst the need for off site mitigation was clear within the report, Members concluded that the need for affordable housing contributions was greater than the need for contributions to mitigate the lack of open and play space within the development and that the use of CIL could extend to offsite play and open space improvements within the district.




1.      3 year standard time condition

2.      Drawing numbers

3.      Materials as specified

4.      Additional investigations be carried out in respect to asbestos/the recommendations of the submitted report/mitigation

5.      Remaining parts of the standard contamination condition

6.      Site wide surface water drainage scheme

7.      Drainage management and maintenance

8.      No infiltration drainage in areas of contamination

9.      No piling or penetrative foundation design without agreement of the LPA

10.    Archaeological watching brief

11.    Measures to enhance biodiversity

12.    Construction Environmental Management Plan

13.    Tree Protection Measures

14.    Fronting Shorncliffe Road - use of double glazing with 16mm air gap between 4mm glazing, acoustic airbricks and window vents

16.    Pedestrian table required across T-junction

17.    Landscaping condition including replacement trees

18.    Landscape management plan for communal landscape areas

19.    Replanting if landscaping fails

20.    Details of low wall/railings

21.    Standard water efficiency condition

22.    TRO to change and provide double yellow lines around the new access (Grampian condition)

23.    Garages retained unrestricted for parking purposes at all times

24.    Provision of access roads in each phase

25.    Details of play area equipment

26.    Provision of the open space and play space

27.    Installation of high speed fibre optic broadband (FTTP)

28.    Removal of permitted development rights in respect to rear extensions on some properties

29.    Provision and maintenance of vision splays.

30.    Architectural detailing




 (Voting: For 7; Against 2; Abstentions 2)


Supporting documents: