Agenda item

Announcements of the Head of Paid Service

To receive a report from the Head of Paid Service on business that he considers should be drawn to the council’s attention.


The Head of Paid Service made the following announcements:


“The end of the month will see me leave the council as it relaunches itself as Folkestone and Hythe.


I came to the council in November 2004 and it was a different place – a very different place – The Government hovering near to intervention; Council Tax capping; services without forms; finances in disarray; and Member/officer relations at an extremely low point. 


However, then, as now, there was a willingness to look for a better place.


I look back fondly at the tensions and battles, as the successes clearly outweigh the mistakes.


Let me share a few of my highlights:


·        Avoiding intervention, seeing off the Audit Commission and improving our external rating from weak to good.

·        Finances that are strongly managed and provide an excellent platform for the future.

·        The management of the earthquake in 2007.

·        Three former members of CMT (Kathryn Beldon, Pat Pratley and Jeff Stack) are all now successful Chief Executives.

·        The learning environment created within the council. I enjoy watching people achieve beyond what they thought they could.

·        Stopping the PFI scheme – it would have bankrupted us.  However, the leisure concepts were always good and we have turned them into a project that will provide a quality leisure facility for the next 30 years.  And, it will save Princes Parade for the next generation, opening it up to more people to explore the rich history of the council.

·        Elections that have involved all staff and been run with a calm professionalism that reflects the way staff do their day jobs.  I could go on for hours about the excellent work done by the people I have worked with but I want to mention a couple of things I would like you to think about:

o   District council’s do a good job, and it is time the Government recognised that.

o   Mixed tenures of housing produce better communities – challenge the Government to allow councils to build more social housing.

o   Do not allow those who swipe about everything deflect you from your goals.  Welcome open free speech, as it is healthy and usually helps provide better outcomes. 

o   Democracy is not perfect, but it is the best we have, and remember you all have a mandate from the ballot box.

o   To those that hide themselves away whilst peddling half-truths, sniping at hard working people and spouting the need for greater transparency – I hope the Government legislates to see them bound by the same rules as the press and public bodies.

o   Otterpool Park is the most exciting and most likely success story to come from the latest Garden Town programme.  Remember the benefits and profits will come to the communities of the district and not shareholders.

o   Support your workforce. People come and people go, but those who work here give their best. Support them to support your goals.


And finally, really, I want to say thank you for allowing me to express myself here for the last 13 and a half years. I am and always will be, a challenging individual but I have never felt that I did not belong here. 


Thank you Chairman for indulging me”.


The Leader of the Council responded to the announcements, and made the following points:


·        The Head of Paid Service had not mentioned the reason for the council’s finances improving, which was that he introduced a friend, Richard Harbord, who created a Medium Term Financial Strategy, allowing control of the council’s finances. 

·        As well as the three CMT members going on to become Chief Executives, three Members of staff had also escaped to become Deputy Chief Executives, and Shepway was a good breaking ground for officers.

·        He thanked the Head of Paid Service for his expressing disquiet on the snipers.

·        With regard to the Garden Town Project, the Head of Paid Service had actually bought the land using his Executive powers, and so the decision to move forward on the project is on his shoulders.

·        He stated that he would miss the challenge that the Head of Paid Service brings.


Councillor Meyers, Leader of the Opposition, also responded to the announcements, and made the following points:


·        He was an elected Member two decades ago, while the council’s finances were in disarray, and he did not get re-elected at the point when the Head of Paid Service was appointed, but watched from the side-lines as he transformed the council.

·        It was a testament to the Head of Paid Service where the council was today. 

·        He had asked the Head of Paid Service what his retirement plans were, and he had responded “not a lot”.  He wished the Head of Paid Service a long, happy and healthy retirement, whatever his plans were.


The Head of Paid Service then responded to the comments of the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the UKIP party, and made points including the following:


·        He loved Shepway District Council, and stressed that the success was a team effort.  He stated not to underestimate the changes that Members had to make, and that it was a testament to all.  Moving forward, he stated that it was important to make projects work, and offer something to the community.


The Deputy Leader of the Council then stated that she wished the Head of Paid Service every success in the future, and that he would be missed.


Proposed by Councillor Monk,

Seconded by Councillor Mrs Hollingsbee; and




That the announcements of the Head of Paid Service be noted.