Agenda item

Changes to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Report OS/20/08 sets out a proposed work programme for Overview and Scrutiny work, which had been put together with the assistance of the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS).  The report also sets out proposals for the creation of a Finance and Performance Scrutiny Sub-Committee, including its terms of reference and membership. Approval is also sought for the proposed meeting dates, and adoption of a “Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Member’s protocol” and its subsequent submission to Cabinet.



Report OS/20/08 set out a proposed work programme for Overview and Scrutiny work, which had been put together with the assistance of the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS). The report also set out proposals for the creation of a Finance and Performance Scrutiny Sub-Committee, including its terms of reference and membership. Approval was also sought for the proposed meeting dates, and adoption of a “Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Member’s protocol” and its subsequent submission to Cabinet.


The Chairman, Councillor Shoob, highlighted areas of the report; the work programme, proposed membership of the sub-committee, proposed dates and the protocol. 


The Chief Executive, Dr Susan Priest, thanked members for the work carried out in achieving the work programme and creation of the sub-committee. 


Councillor Peter Gane entered the meeting and apologised for his lateness. 


Members noted the following: 


·         Assurances given that performance management and service delivery would  be topics to be scrutinised. 

·         Flexibility to add items to the work programme would be accommodated.

·         Cabinet members to attend meetings where topics within their relevant portfolios are discussed.

·         Items scrutinised at the sub-committee will be reported back to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, date frequency has been designed to ensure this occurs. 


Members took the opportunity to thank the Chairman, officers and Mr Ian Parry at the Centre for Public Scrutinyfor the work carried out. 


Proposed by Councillor Rebecca Shoob              

Seconded by Councillor Michelle Keutenius and



That report OS/20/08 is received and noted. 


(Voting: For 9; Against 0; Abstentions 0)



Proposed by Councillor Rebecca Shoob

Seconded by Councillor Miss Susan Carey and



That the Scrutiny work programme is adopted and implemented as set out in paragraph 2.3 of the report, until the next annual meeting of the



(Voting: For 9; Against 0; Abstentions 0)



Proposed by Councillor Rebecca Shoob

Seconded by Councillor Michelle Keutenius and



That the Workplan is submitted to the next available extraordinary meeting of the Council for endorsement.


(Voting: For 9; Against 0; Abstentions 0)



Proposed by Councillor Rebecca Shoob

Seconded by Councillor Connor McConville and



That a Finance and Performance Scrutiny Sub-Committee is created with the terms of reference as set out at appendix 1 of the report and appoint five Overview and Scrutiny Members to the Sub-Committee for the remainder of the municipal year.


(Voting: For 9; Against 0; Abstentions 0)



Proposed by Councillor Michelle Keutenius

Seconded by Councillor Gary Fuller and



That Councillor Connor McConville is elected as Chairman of the Sub-Committee for the remainder of the municipal year. 


(Voting: For 7; Against 0; Abstentions 2)



Proposed by Councillor Rebecca Shoob

Seconded by Councillor Michelle Keutenius and



That the meeting dates are agreed for Overview and Scrutiny and its Sub-Committee meetings, as set out in paragraph 4 of the report.


(Voting: For 9; Against 0; Abstentions 0)



Proposed by Councillor Rebecca Shoob

Seconded by Councillor Michelle Keutenius and



That the Cabinet/Overview and Scrutiny Member’s protocol is adopted, as set out at appendix 2 of the report, and to submit it to Cabinet for its



(Voting: For 9; Against 0; Abstentions 0)


Supporting documents: