Agenda item

20/0983/FH - Tesco Car Park, Cheriton High Street, Folkestone, CT19 4QJ

Erection of a freestanding restaurant with drive-thru facility, car parking, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Displays (COD), goal post height restrictor and play frame. Relocation of the existing recycling area, click and collect and trolley bays.



Erection of a freestanding restaurant with drive-thru facility, car parking, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Displays (COD), goal post height restrictor and play frame.  Relocation of the existing recycling area, click and collect and trolley bays. 


Members were advised six additional letters of objection had been received, however no new points had been raised in these. 


Councillor Rebecca Shoob, ward member, spoke against the application, she had been contacted by many residents with their objections.  Points raised included heavier traffic in a residential area which also impacts on the climate emergency; increased litter; 24 hour fast food outlet which does not promote healthy eating and this proposal discourages the support of local existing businesses. 


The applicant’s agent statement was read out and conveyed that the applicant had worked closely with the Planning Officers to bring together an application for which approval is sought from members. 


The agent’s statement listed the advantages of this proposal and the nature of the applicant’s business, which will be locally franchised.  An international company which offers its staff extensive training, development and apprenticeships with good prospects for promotion. The company is keen to promote and invest in Folkestone.  Other initiatives include sponsorship of local sports activities and the promotion of litter picks.  The staff at the proposed restaurant would carry out three litter picks per day. 


Members gave consideration to all aspects of the application making the following comments and views:  


  • Job creation of approximately 35 full time and 30 part time positions. 
  • Not just a drive-thru, a restaurant is planned with adequate parking. 
  • The applicant actively promotes healthy eating as a choice for customers.  
  • Folkestone is a vibrant town and some members felt the proposal was a good option especially due to the increased development in the area. 
  • 24 hour operation could affect nearby residential areas. 
  • Increase in traffic to the site from all directions, including the M20, which would have an effect on emissions.  The biggest emitters of carbon come from personal car use. 
  • The junction from the M20 through to the Tesco car park has a tendency to congest which can mean delays in entering and leaving the car park at present, this could worsen with a 24 hour drive-thru. 
  • Similar smaller businesses could suffer and a large multi-national company discourages entrepreneurial spirit. 


Proposed by Councillor David Wimble

Seconded by Councillor Philip Martin; and




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to agree and finalise the wording of the conditions and add any other conditions that he considers necessary.


(Voting: For 5; Against 7; Abstentions 0)


This Vote was LOST. 



Proposed by Councillor Gary Fuller

Seconded by Georgina Treloar; and



That planning permission be refused for the following reason as members considered it would be unsustainable development due to the majority of customers using private cars and have an unacceptable impact on neighbouring residential  due to the increase in noise and disturbance from the additional vehicle movements and lighting and the 24 hour operation:


The proposed development would, due to the car dependent nature of the operation, constitute unsustainable development, which due to the level of additional vehicle movements generated, the hours of operation and the additional lighting, would be detrimental to the residential amenity of local residents.


Delegated authority was given to the Chief Planning Officer to include the relevant policies.


(Voting: For 7; Against 5; Abstentions 0)













Supporting documents: