Issue - decisions

General Fund Revenue Budget Monitoring - Outturn position 17/18

14/08/2018 - General Fund Revenue 17/18 provisional outturn

The report summarised the 2017/18 final outturn position (subject to audit) for the General Fund revenue expenditure compared to both the latest approved budget and quarter 4 projections.


The report was considered at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 12 June 2018. Their comments had been circulated to the Cabinet Members.


Proposed by Councillor Dearden,

Seconded by Councillor Mrs Hollingsbee; and



1.        That Report C/18/08 be received and noted.

2.        That £351k of unspent 2017/18 budgets be allocated to the Carry Forward Reserve, as detailed in paragraph 2.34 of the report.


(Voting figures: 9 for, 0 against, 0 abstentions).


Reason for decision

Cabinetwas asked to agree the recommendations because Cabinet needed to be informed of the council’s General Fund revenue 2017/18 final outturn position.