Issue - decisions

Custom Folkestone

01/11/2018 - Custom Folkestone

To provide funding of £367.77 to the above project.



Reason for decision:


The vision for Custom Folkestone is threefold:

-       To establish it as a transformative force within the community, creating tangible benefit and opportunities for employability and cultural experience for local people.

-       To gain a reputation for producing beautiful, imaginative and memorable food, sourced locally, that encourages deeper consideration of the landscape in which we operate.

-       To be the UK’s first dedicated food-focussed art space, with a programme of critical and reflective work that generates change within our own organisation and inspires change in the wider food and art industries. 


A number of social and cultural needs that Custom will also address:

1.    Access to work experience and employment

2.    Access to uplifting cultural experiences

3.    Community working together to create change.