Issue details

Y19/0890/FH - Retrospective application for elevated decking area to the rear, 9 Naildown Road, Hythe, Kent, CT21 5SY

This report considers whether planning permission should be granted for the increase in length (approximately 980mm) and changes to the design (layout of steps and increase in length of supporting framework) of the elevated decking area to the rear of the host property. Elevated decking was approved in July 2014 under planning reference Y14/0651/SH. The report recommends that planning permission should be granted with conditions as it considered that the amenities of the neighbours to the rear would not be significantly compromised over and above the impact that would have resulted from the original consent.



Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/05/2020

Decision due: 8 Jun 2020 by Chief Planning Officer

Lead director: Director of Transition and Transformation

Contact: Chief Planning Officer.

