Useful canvass information

Is the canvass response website secure?

Yes, our supplier Democracy Counts provide a secure response service with the website address  Our own website re-directs to this website from which is included on all communications sent out.

Key dates

  • The annual canvass begins on 01 July each year
  • Canvass emails and forms will be sent around this time, up until the end of September
  • The revised electoral register is published by 01 December of that same year.

Recently moved home?

If you have moved home since 01 July and registered for Council Tax your details will not be entered onto the electoral register automatically. You have to make a separate application for your details to appear on the electoral register.

 Register online

New residents

If your or anyone's name who should be registered is not on the form they will need to register:

Register online

If you can't get online please give us a call on 01303 853497 or complete the canvass form and we will send a paper application when we receive a response back from you.

What could happen if you don't respond?

  • You will receive reminders via email, telephone or a house call.
  • If you do not respond, an Electoral Canvasser will either call you if we have your phone number or visit to collect the information up until the 30th November.
  • If you do not provide the requested information at all you can be fined up to £1,000.