Partnering in community safety


These organisations are committed to:

  • working together to make the district a safe place to work, live and enjoy
  • reducing anti-social behaviour and crime and disorder; and
  • building stronger communities

Through producing a yearly strategic assessment and consultation with communities and partners a key number of priorities are set by the Community Safety Partnership each year, and produces a three year Community Safety Plan 2021-2024 (PDF, 8.23MB). The priorities are managed through three subgroups, as set out in the plan.

Examples of some of the priorities of the CSP include:

Tackling violent crime Tackling anti-social behaviour Addressing substance misuse Addressing domestic abuse Addressing counter terrorism issues through the Prevent agenda (including referral forms), Modern Day Slavery, Domestic Homicide Reviews, gangs and County Lines work. More information about some of these topics can also be found in the council’s Safeguarding policy (PDF, 464KB).