The electoral register

The electoral register (sometimes called the 'electoral roll') lists the names and addresses of everyone who's registered to vote

There are two versions of the electoral register

1. The full register

Lists the name and address of everyone who is registered to vote. The council holds a copy. Anyone can look at it, but it is a criminal offence to supply or use copies for purposes other than those set down by law.
The main use of the full register is to show who can vote in elections and referendums. Credit reference agencies can use it, but only to check your name and address if you are applying for credit and other purposes specified in law. It can also be used for law enforcement.

2. The open register

This is an extract of the electoral register but is not used for elections. It can be bought by any person, company or organisation to confirm names and addresses. Your name and address will be included in the open register unless you ask for them to be removed. Removing your details from the open register does not affect your right to vote.

Opt in or out of the open register 

You can write to us or email us if you wish to remove your details from the open register, or to put your details back on.

Your name and address will be be included in the open register unless you ask for them to be removed. Removing your details from the open register does not affect your right to vote or your credit score.

Inspecting the electoral register

You can inspect the electoral register by appointment at the Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY. 

Please telephone or email the electoral services team for an appointment.

What you need to know when inspecting the electoral register

  • You will be asked to read and sign a declaration making you aware of the restrictions when using information held on the electoral register
  • Your inspection will be supervised
  • You may only make hand-written notes (the taking of photographs, photocopies and dictaphones are not allowed)
  • Any information noted can only be used for direct marketing purposes if it's also in the open version of the register.
  • Failure to observe the above conditions may result in a fine of up to £5,000.

Buying the open register

Any person can purchase a copy of the open register.

When you buy the open register you can request to have a data or paper copy.

The cost of purchasing the open register is as follows:

  • Data copy - £20 administration fee plus £1.50p per 1,000 entries (or part)
  • Paper copy - £10 administration fee plus £5.00 per 1,000 entries (or part) 

If you wish to purchase a copy of the open register please telephone or email Electoral Services.

Verification number of electors

In accordance with Regulation 4(1) of The Local Authorities (Referendums)(Petitions)(England) Regulations 2011 the below publication is released every year in or around 15 February.

It holds the number of electors equal to 5% of the entire number of local government electors shown in the revised register of electors. 

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