About polling place reviews

All local authorities must review their polling districts, places and stations that are used for Parliamentary Elections.  A review must be completed at least once every 4 years.

The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 introduced the timing of the compulsory review period.

What has to be done?

During the review the council must:

  • seek to ensure that all electors  in the constituency have reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances; and
  • seek to ensure that so far as is reasonable and practicable every polling place for which is is responsible is accessible to electors who are disabled.

The review does not include:

  • the changing of District, Parish, County and Parliamentary boundary governed by the Local Government Boundary Commission; or
  • the changing of polling districts in areas which are also aligned with parish boundaries.

When is the review taking place?

The review for 2023 has finished, documents from this review can be viewed by clicking here.

How can you take part?

The consultation period for the 2023 review closed on Friday, 17 November 2023.