Budget consultation 2024-2025

We would now like to hear your views on the specific budget proposals within the budget strategy 2024-25 (PDF, 358KB), as well as feedback on the general spending and income generation priorities for 2024/25.

Please complete the questionnaire at the bottom of this page to submit your feedback on these proposals. The consultation is open until 4pm on Monday 15 January 2024.

Budget process

The budget setting process began in September with the council adopting a new budgeting approach known as Priority Based Budgeting (PBB), which allocates scarce budget resources to the areas of service that are of highest priorities and delivers the outcomes the council want to achieve for local people under the new administration.

The updated Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) (PDF, 190KB) was considered and agreed by the cabinet in December 2023. This is a key financial planning document providing insight into the financial forecasts over the medium term (currently to 2027/28).

The MTFS forecast deficit is £638,000 for 2024/25 with a cumulative deficit of £4,609,000 by 2027/28.

Following the MTFS the focus of work shifts to the coming financial year with the Budget Strategy which outlines the council's proposals for the forthcoming financial year. This includes growth and savings proposals, as well as the review of Fees and Charges.

Following the agreement of the Budget Strategy a detailed draft budget is developed for the coming financial year.

Background documents

Deadline for your comments

This closed at 4pm on Monday 15 January 2024.