Free use of venues

Each year we grant Free Use Days for local community events at The Leas Cliff Hall and Quarterhouse.

The venues

Leas Cliff Hall

We grant up to eight Free Use Days of the Leas Cliff Hall. Each Free Use Day is worth around £2,800.

We encourage applications for events that will make use of both the Main Hall and the Channel Suite conference facilities.

View more information about the Leas Cliff Hall facilities 


We support Quarterhouse on Tontine Street in Folkestone and have 5 Free Use Days available. Quarterhouse provides a great space for groups, performances and conferences.

  • The use of the venue, including basic staffing required for the event, will be free.
  • Additional staff or complex technical requirements will be subject to negotiation with the venue.

View more information about the Quarterhouse facilities 

What kind of events can apply? 

We are keen to support events that give people from across the district, of all ages and backgrounds, the opportunity to take part. We'd like to see original events that focus on things like the history of the area, local culture or the future of the district. In particular we encourage projects that embrace both community involvement and community learning.

Community involvement

  • Did you get the idea for your event from the local community?
  • Will the local community be involved in organising the event?
  • Does the event appeal to a wide range of people?

Community learning

  • Does the event promote learning or education?
  • Will it help people who might not normally take part in education and training?
  • Is your event part of a larger project that will have a lasting positive effect?

Application form

If you have an idea for a community event and would like to apply for a Free Use Day please complete our online form.

Free Use of Venue application form

Useful information

  • A Free Use Day cannot be given to any event with a commercial interest.
  • If the Free Use Day is used for fundraising this must be for local charities.
  • Free Use Day events must be open to the general public.
  • Free Use Days cannot be used for any type of political or campaigning event.
  • A booking must not be placed directly with the venue prior to the Free Use Day being granted.
  • You will need to to complete a written evaluation within 6 weeks of your Free Use Day event.
  • Free Use Days are granted at the discretion of the Cabinet Member for Communities.
  • It is unlikely that any one organisation will be awarded more than one Free Use Day every three years.
  • Applications for the Leas Cliff Hall with fewer than 200 expected attendees will be unlikely to be successful as smaller events don’t represent value for money 
  • You must clearly acknowledge our support when you advertise your event.
  • While the use of the venue is free, there may be additional costs. Please consider this before making your application.