Support for vulnerable people

Information about carers and care giving (including support)

Who is a carer?

A carer is anyone (including under 18s) who gives unpaid care to someone who is over the age of 18.

'Caring' for someone covers lots of different things including:

  • Helping with washing, dressing, eating
  • Taking them to regular appointments
  • Medication
  • Housework
  • Financial Support
  • Keeping them company when they feel lonely or anxious

Caregiver stress

Providing unpaid care for someone can be a very positive and rewarding experience, and can bring you closer to the friend or family member to whom you are providing care. However, it can also have a detrimental impact on your mental health and wellbeing. For instance, you may find yourself experiencing increased worry, stress or anxiety, or becoming isolated. You may also find it difficult to have time for yourself, to exercise, eat well or relax, or you may find yourself experiencing financial difficulties due to the additional costs you may face in providing care. You may even find yourself feeling frustrated at having had to give up parts of your life, or that you had no choice in the situation, and potentially becoming angry with the person you care for as a result.

If you feel that your mental health is suffering as a result of providing care to someone, you may wish to seek additional support to help manage this.

Carers assessment

A carer’s assessment is free and anyone aged over 18 can ask for one. You can ask for a carers assessment even if the person you care for does not get any support from the local authority, and is separate from the needs assessment they might have. A carers assessment could recommend a range things to put in place, including having someone take over the care to give you a break; gym membership or exercise classes to help relieve stress; help with taxi fares; etc.

For more information about accessing a carers assessment see:


Other help and support

In addition to a carers assessment, there are other ways in which you can look after yourself as a carer. The following pages provide some suggestions, as well as wider information about being a carer:


If you are under the age of 18 and are caring for somebody, or you know an under 18 who is providing care, support is available at: