Planting for pollinators

Picture of a bee pollinating

Nectar is a fuel that keeps pollinators going, and they get this as a reward from the flowers they pollinate. You can plant flowers to help feed the different pollinators living in your garden all year round. Depending on their tongue length, all pollinators will need different flowers to collect nectar from. Some, like moths, also need flowers that open at different times of the day. By providing a variety of flowers all year round, all pollinators will be able to feed and flourish, easily moving from one green space to the next. You can provide flowers all year round for all pollinators in your garden, allotment, balconies, windowsills, wherever you have space. You should also provide shelter, plants such as nettles for larvae to eat, and nesting sites in your garden.

Bees and wasps
SpringBugle, Dead Nettles, Lungwort, Comfrey
SummerAllium, Borage, Viper's Bugloss, Foxglove
AutumnIvy, Bugbane, Honeysuckle, Scabious
WinterCrocus, Hellebore, Winter Heather, Aconite
SpringBugle, Forget-me-not, Lungwort, Primrose
SummerBird's Foot Trefoil, Buddleia, Marjoram, Lavender
AutumnKnapweeds, Ivy, Hemp, Agrimony, Honeysuckle
WinterGoat Willow, Winter Heather, Snowdrop
SpringSweet Rocket, Ragged Robin, Bird Cherry
SummerBuddleia, Night-scented Stock, Borage
AutumnHoneysuckle, Jasmine, Evening Primrose, Ivy
WinterMahonia, Blackthorn, Gorse

Source: Kent County Council

SpringDaisies, Cow Parsley, Tansy, Garlic Mustard
SummerWild Carrot, St John's Wort, Rose, Fennel
AutumnCornflowers, Ivy, Meadowsweet, Wild Carrot
WinterHolly, Witch Hazel, Winter Daphne, Colt's-Foot
Flies and Hoverflies
SpringDaisies, Cow Parsley, Euphorbia, Dandelion
SummerRose, Feverfew, Green Alkanet, Marjoram
AutumnSunflower, Sedum, Hemp Agrimony, Blackberry
WinterCrocus, Mahonia, Willows, Gorse