Conservation areas

How does designation as a conservation area affect development?

Instead of protecting an individual building, a conservation area seeks to preserve the character of a whole area

Designation as a conservation area strengthens controls over demolitions, minor developments and protection of trees.

It also means that new developments must be appropriately designed, including using traditional natural materials.

The objective of these measures is to preserve and enhance the special interest of the place. The intention isn't to stifle change, but to positively manage these unique areas.

Demolition works that always require planning permission

If you live in a conservation area, you will need planning permission for demolishing the following:

  • a building with a volume of more than 115 cubic metres
  • a gate, fence, wall or railing over 1 metre high next to a highway (including a public footpath or bridle way) or public open space, or over 2 metres high elsewhere

Consult our Building Control section for more information on demolition notices.

Tree works in conservation areas

It's against the law to carry out works to a tree in a conservation area without notifying us first.

You can apply to do so via the Planning Portal giving us at least six weeks' notice by submitting a section 211 notice

Dead or dangerous trees – 5 day notice

You won't need to submit a section 211 notice if the tree is dead or dangerous, however, you must give us five days’ notice to assess the proposal as failure to do so could lead to prosecution.

You can apply for a 5 day notice if a protected tree is dead or presents an immediate danger to life or property. 

A decision will be made within 5 days based on the information provided and you will receive written confirmation of the exemption to complete the works. No works should be completed within 5 days of the notification unless you have received written confirmation.

Apply for a five day notice

Check if you're in a conservation area

Conservation areas can be found using our interactive map

Conservation area appraisals

For further information on conservation in the district, you can read our conservation area appraisals.