Adopted development plan

The adopted development plan for Folkestone & Hythe District comprises the Core Strategy Review (2022) and the Places and Policies Local Plan (2020), along with the St Mary in the Marsh Neighbourhood Plan (2019); and the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan (2016).

Core Strategy Review (2022)

The Core Strategy Review was adopted on 30 March 2022. It sets out the spatial vision, objectives, development strategy and a series of over-arching strategic policies that will guide the scale, location and type of development in the district until 2037.

View the Core Strategy Review 2022 (PDF, 28.59MB).

View the Core Strategy Review Adoption Statement 2022 (PDF, 131KB).

View the Core Strategy Review Sustainability Appraisal Post-Adoption Statement (PDF, 1.18MB).

View the Inspector's report (PDF, 587 KB).

View the Evidence Base Library - Core strategy review.

Places and Policies Local Plan (2020)

The Folkestone & Hythe Places and Policies Local Plan was adopted on the 16 September 2020.  

The Places and Policies Local Plan identifies small and medium sized sites for development across the district to meet the targets in the Core Strategy; as well as setting out detailed development management policies to assess planning applications.

View the Places and Policies Local Plan (PDF, 31.96MB).

View the Adoption Statement (PDF, 66KB).

View the Sustainability Appraisal Report (PDF, 2.28MB).

View the Inspector's Report (PDF, 181KB).

View the Evidence Base Library - Places and policies local plan.

Policies Map

View the Interactive Policies Map

The St. Mary in the Marsh Neighbourhood Plan (2019)

The St. Mary in the Marsh Neighbourhood Plan been adopted by the council and now forms part of the development plan. Policies within the neighbourhood plan now apply to development proposals within the parish.

Kent Waste and Minerals Local Plan (2016)

The Kent Waste and Minerals Local Plan (2016) sets out the vision and strategy for waste management and mineral provision up until the year 2030.

National Planning Policy and Guidance

The NPPF and PPG set out the government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied