Customer access strategy

Our Customer Access Strategy focuses on the ways that both internal and external customers' access and transfer information

It takes into consideration customers' feedback to develop and implement plans to improve the way in which we deliver and receive day to day information about our services.

The strategy outlines our commitments to you, our customers:

Our commitment to you:

  • be professional, helpful and courteous
  • do our best to understand your circumstances
  • protect your personal information
  • take responsibility for your enquiry
  • ensure cost efficient processes 
  • deliver what we promise 
  • say sorry and put things right if we get them wrong
  • use plain English and explain things clearly
  • continually review our services by listening to you
  • respond to your enquiry within a reasonable time

The principles are supported by a set of more in-depth standards we expect our staff to meet.

View our Customer Access Strategy 2020 - 2023 (PDF, 2.58MB)

Your commitment to us:

  • to treat our staff with respect 
  • help us to reduce costs by using online services where possible 
  • provide constructive feedback on our services so we can improve the customer services  and experience 

Give us feedback

We know that no-one gets everything spot-on all the time, which is why we value your feedback.

We would like to hear from you if you have a suggestion to let us know how we could do things better, or if you feel we have done something really well so we can keep doing it to benefit both you and our other customers.

Give us feedback

Ways to contact

How you can contact us