Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule

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The CIL rate index is updated annually on 1st January each year. The updated CIL rates with effect from 1st January 2024 can be found below:

CIL Charging Schedule 2024 (PDF, 194KB)

Folkestone & Hythe District Council formally adopted its revised Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule on 29 March 2023.  The Schedule came into effect on 1 April 2023 and has replaced the CIL Charging Schedule (June 2016).

The Adoption Statement and adopted CIL Charging Schedule can be found below:

Adoption Statement

Modified Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule - April 2023

Modified Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule: Correction Notice (August 2023) (PDF, 81KB)

Folkestone & Hythe District Council has approved an amendment to a correctable error to the Charging Schedule (adopted April 2023), in accordance with Regulation 26 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended), to amend the CIL Charging Map presented in Appendix B: Sellindge Strategy Phase 1 & 2 strategic sites (page 16 refers), and a minor typographical error in the excerpt to paragraph 4.2.

The amendment to the correctable error was approved under delegated powers by the Planning Policy Senior Specialist in consultation with the Leader of the Council, following approval of the examined modified Charging Schedule by Full Council on 29th March 2023 with the date of adoption being 1st April 2023. The Charging Schedule will be amended from the date of this Notice (7th August 2023).

Modified Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule with corrections applied – August 2023 (PDF, 2.79MB)

CIL is a local charge that local authorities in England and Wales can choose to charge on new developments in their area to fund infrastructure

Community Infrastructure Levy

CIL is a local charge that local authorities in England and Wales can choose to charge on new developments in their area to fund infrastructure

What is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?

Most new developments which create net additional floor space of 100 square metres or more, or create a new dwelling, are potentially liable for the levy. CIL charges largely replace Section 106 planning obligations.

Section 106s won't be phased out entirely

Affordable housing will continue to be delivered through Section 106 agreements rather than CIL. Section 106 contributions, or provision by Section 106 will be required to mitigate the impact of the development. For example, if there isn't sufficient open and play space to meet policy requirements onsite, an offsite contribution to improve facilities nearby may be sought.

CIL monitoring and reporting

We produce an annual report containing information on how much CIL is collected, spent, and retained in the financial year, which you view via the link below. 

Infrastructure funding statement

Will I have to pay CIL, and if so, how much?

In general terms, if a planning application includes residential (classes C3 and C4) or retail (classes A1 to A5), then it may be liable to pay CIL.

No CIL will be payable on householder planning applications for extensions and alterations, so long as the proposed changes do not result in the creation of a new dwelling.

How are CIL charges calculated?

CIL liability is calculated using the gross internal area (GIA) of the floorspace of all liable buildings and multiplying this by the charge for that use type as stated in our CIL Charging Schedule (PDF, 2.23MB) GIA includes:

  • internal walls
  • service areas
  • lift rooms
  • plant rooms etc

Liable floorspace includes all floors of a building, but excludes things like open balconies, and open fire escapes.

CIL charging zones

You can use our gross internal area (GIA) of the floorspace to view the CIL charging zones A-D as well as the CIL commercial and retail zone in Folkestone town centre.

Development sites where Section 106s apply rather than CIL

As per our Core Strategy Local Plan, the following strategic and key development sites are charged using Section 106 planning obligations rather than CIL.

Folkestone Harbour and Seafront (Core Strategy Local Plan Policy SS6) (PDF, 637KB)
Shorncliffe Garrison (Core Strategy Local Plan Policy SS7 (PDF, 1.21MB)
App4 - Core Strategy LP policy CSD8 (PDF, 382KB)
Sellindge (Core Strategy Local Plan Policy CSD9) (PDF, 324KB)

Payment in kind to cover a CIL liability

The CIL regulations provide a local authority with the discretion to accept land, buildings or infrastructure payments, as all or part of a CIL payment due in respect of a liable development.

We've decided to operate this discretionary policy, subject to the provisions of the CIL Regulations and our Payment in Kind Policy (PDF, 85KB)

CIL and planning applications

Use our pre-application advice service to identify if your development is CIL liable.

The Planning portal provides comprehensive guidance on the process of applying for planning permission where CIL applies.

Supplement this with the guidance provided by Gov.UK .

Guidance for town and parish councils - Community infrastructure levy (PDF, 553KB)

Interactive map - CIL residential and commercial