Town and parish council 2023 election results

Folkestone Town Council: Broadmead ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Laura Davison Labour Party 542
Dylan Jeffrey Local Conservatives 393
Kieran Leigh Local Conservatives 430
John Stokes John Stokes 271
Senet Yohannes Labour Party 397

Turnout: 37.70%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Broadmead (Folkestone Town Council) (PDF, 34.5KB)

Folkestone Town Council: Central ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Abena Akuffo-Kelly Labour Party 1190
Charlie Bain Smith Labour Party 1154
Claire Beresford Local Conservatives 716
Max Hess The Socialist Party of Great Britain 121
Matthew Horrox Liberal Democrats 439
Stephen James Local Conservatives 686
Aston Mannerings Liberal Democrats 362
Liz McShane Labour Party 1163
David Monk Local Conservatives 613
Hugh Robertson-Ritchie Liberal Democrats 401
Bryan Rylands Folkestone Central Resident 427
Belinda Walker Labour Party 1192

Turnout: 30.44%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Folkestone Central (Folkestone Town Council) (PDF, 38.9KB)

Folkestone Town Council: Cheriton East ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Jane Darling Labour Party 476
Dylan Moody Local Conservatives 285
Alison Pemberton Liberal Democrats 407

Turnout: 37.44%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Cheriton East (Folkestone Town Council) (PDF, 33.4KB)

Folkestone Town Council: Cheriton West ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Paul Bingham Labour Party 580
Leonard Coghill Labour Party 524
Peter Gane Liberal Democrats 736
Dhan Gurung Local Conservatives 509
Paul Jones Local Conservatives 421
Edward Le Fanu Labour Party 454
John Renshaw Liberal Democrats 594
Roger West Liberal Democrats 617

Turnout: 28.04%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Cheriton West (Folkestone Town Council) (PDF, 35.8KB)

Folkestone Town Council: East Folkestone ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Danielle Anson Liberal Democrats 516
Jeanne Brinton Local Conservatives 485
Ema Deba Local Conservatives 466
Philip Jones Local Conservatives 457
Adrian Lockwood Labour Party 1071
Connor McConville Labour Party 1160
Lucy McGirr Labour Party 1067
Jackie Meade Labour Party 1173
Alan Tapsell Local Conservatives 450

Turnout: 24.86%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – East Folkestone (Folkestone Town Council) (PDF, 36.3KB)

Folkestone Town Council: Harbour ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Bridget Chapman Labour Party 671
Christine Dickinson Labour Party 638
Glyn Hibbert Local Conservatives 198
Sandra Hibbert Local Conservatives 179
Nicola Keen Labour Party 643
Mary Lawes Foundation Party – Openness and common sense 401
Frank McKenna Foundation Party – Openness and common sense 245
Tom McNeice Liberal Democrats 248
Richard Moffatt Local Conservatives 186
Adam Rowledge Liberal Democrats 140
Andy Thomas The Socialist Party of Great Britain 61

Turnout: 27.98%.

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Harbour (Folkestone Town Council) (PDF, 86.7KB)

Folkestone Town Council: Harvey West ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Sarah Danby Labour Party 70
Tim Prater Liberal Democrats 277

Turnout: 50%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Harvey West (Folkestone Town Council) (PDF, 33.1KB)

Hawkinge Town Council: Hawkinge Churchill ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Steve Cook Independent 486
Zoe Cutting Independent 467
Glyn Hibbert Local Conservatives 214
Chris Johnson Independent 456
Malcolm MacKenny Independent 436
Richard Moffatt Local Conservatives 256
Ben Potter Local Conservatives 208

Turnout: 26.23%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Hawkinge Churchill (Hawkinge Town Council) (PDF, 35.3KB)

Hawkinge Town Council: Hawkinge Fernfield ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
David Godfrey Local Conservatives 195
Philip Martin Independent 276
David Monk Local Conservatives 162
Stuart Peall Local Conservatives 189
Don Valente Independent 243
James Valente Independent 239

Turnout: 29.29%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Hawkinge Fernfield (Hawkinge Town Council) (PDF, 35KB)

Hythe Town Council: Hythe North ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Edmund Curran The Green Party 735
Pauline Curran The Green Party 841
Malcolm Dearden Local Conservatives 355
Penny Graham The Green Party 762
Andrew Walters The Green Party 714

Turnout: 45.98%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Hythe North (Hythe Town Council) (PDF, 34.5KB)

Hythe Town Council: Hythe South ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
John Chapman The Green Party 674
Angela Dickinson Independent 272
Ann Mayne Local Conservatives 271
Sheila Reed Local Conservatives 213
Penny Snow The Green Party 666
John Stokes Liberal Democrats 318
David Turner Reform UK 135

Turnout: 42.23%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Hythe South (Hythe Town Council) (PDF,35.7KB)

Hythe Town Council: Hythe West ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Stephen Bailey Independent 434
Ross Carter The Green Party 690
Gary Fuller Liberal Democrats 292
Jenni Hawkins The Green Party 762
Michael Lyons Local Conservatives 428
Martin Whybrow The Green Party 737

Turnout: 35.87%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Hythe West (Hythe Town Council)

Lydd Town Council

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Maria Beach   361
Darren Chapman   660
Ann Duncan   243
Byron Fletcher   124
Clive Goddard Independent 877
Pippa Harston   489
Bob Jones   546
Jean Jones   537
Leonard Laws   180
Kerry Manahan   361
Alan Martin   424
Anthony May   129
Debbie McKenna Independent 399
Suzanne Piper   562
Kim Rye Independent 389
Paul Rye   435
Martin Sweeney   246

Turnout: 30.97%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Lydd Town Council (PDF, 40.7KB)

Sandgate Parish Council: Sandgate Valley ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Peter Hickman   288
Stephen James Folkestone and Sandgate Working Together 66
Kieran Leigh Folkestone and Sandgate Working Together 49
Nicola South   254
Guy Valentine-Neale   214

Turnout: 35.19%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – Sandgate Valley (Sandgate Parish Council) (PDF, 16.1KB)

St Mary in the Marsh Parish Council: St Mary's Bay ward

Candidate Description (if provided) Number of votes cast
Graham Allison   407
Graham Comber   204
Tony Cooper   434
Dave Evans Independent 264
Pam Millen   251
Russell Tillson   98
Andy Weatherhead Independent 355
Michael Wilson   207

Turnout: 34.24%

For the PDF version see, Declaration of Results – St Mary's Bay (St Mary in the Marsh Parish Council) PDF, 35.7KB)